Tag Archives: altitude training

Greater physical performance with altitude training

altitude training

Altitude training is a practice used by many people all over the world. It is commonly used by different proffesional athletes,  to help them get in their best shape. It represents a training at a high altitude – usually over 2400 metres above sea level. This kind of training has many benefits for the human body. It improves overall sports performance, reduces regeneration time after  trainings, speeds up recovery, enhances physical fitness, acclimatizes for mountaineering, strengthens our health and helps us lose weight.

altitude training

Unfortunately, exercising at actual high altitudes often isn’t possible. High mountains are not always within our reach and they are often inaccessible.

This is why altitude training can also be simulated through the use of different simulation systems. Altitude training can be performed through the use of altitude simulation tents and rooms, or through the use of a mask hypoxicator system. In that case the barometric pressure of air is kept the same, but the oxygen level is reduced.

There are many methods of altitude training. Altitude training can be performed through sleeping. Sleeping at a high altitude adjusts the cardiovascular system, which is very important for improving sports performance of an individual.

Altitude training (the actual exercise) makes the usual training more effective and shortens its duration.  The aerobic mechanisms in the body are triggered earlier. Altitude training also doubles the calorie consumption, which is great for people, who are trying to lose weight.

Intermittent hypoxic training can also be used while resting. Despite its passive form, the training is short, effective and intense. It triggers a strong response coming from the body. The benefits of intermittent hypoxic training are better use of oxygen in the body, raised levels of hemoglobin (better transportation of oxygen to the cells), helps with aging and degenerative diseases and many more.