How to make money while traveling?

Many of us love to travel. We travel a lot and if it was possible, we would travel even more. But since traveling is not a cheap way to spend our free time, for the majority of people it is simply not possible to travel as much as we would want to. Many of us have been asking ourselves: how to make money while traveling? Is this even possible?
To solve this problem, there have appeared some ways to really make money while traveling. Nowadays people can work abroad, so they can travel and also earn some money during traveling. Some can also teach English or some other language in some countries of the third world. And there is one more way to make money – writing the articles.
Writing articles about our journeys is really not so hard, since we always write about something that we ourselves went through. Those articles can be written in many ways, they can be meant just for fun or they can be written with an intention to tell the others as much different information about some place as possible. If you are more like a tourist guide type of person, you will definitely take the other chance – writing an article as you would write a tourist guide. But most people do not go for this option, they rather write more of a blog. By that I mean that they write about their feelings during the journey, about the positive and negative experiences they went through and also the costs they had. Those types of writings will probably be even more popular for the majority of people to read, since we all love to read about real life. Most of us prefer the real experiences over some professional writing about all the churches, museums and other, for most of us, boring things.
So how to make money while traveling?
Easy, write an article, send it to the right address, which will publish it on the internet and if your writing is good, if the article is interesting, they will publish it. The more people will read your article, the more will the person or institution who published your article, pay you for it. So to really make money you need to write a good article. An article which will attract a lot of attention – the more of it, the more you will get paid.